API Academy API Security Architect Certification exam answers

Get Certificate : API Designer Certification Exam Answers – API Academy

Question 1 out of 25:

Evaluate the following statement. The UserInfo endpoint is an OAuth 2.0 protected resource that lives in the authorization server.

  • TRUE

Question 2 out of 25:

Which of the following is part of JWT best practices?

  • Never letting the header alone drive verification
  • All options are correct
  • Setting a shorter timeout
  • Using claims to the fullest extent

Question 3 out of 25:

Which statement about OAuth 2.0 is correct? (Select all that apply)

  • OAuth 2.0 has a reputation to be complicated and difficult to implement, not only because of the various grant types but also because the specification itself is less prescriptive.
  • OAuth 2.0 authentication was designed to address vulnerabilities in OpenID Connect authorization protocol.
  • The OAuth 2.0 core framework has not really been evolving as contributors are not allowed to publish additional specifications.
  • Like other open-source frameworks of similar scale and magnitude, a long list of RFC specifications makes OAuth 2.0 potentially overwhelming.

Question 4 out of 25:

Match the authorization grant types supported by OAuth 2.0 with the correct statement:

Authorization code

The resource owner's credentials are never shared with the client application and the resource server. The access token is never shared with the resource owner. It is the most secure and most common grant type today.


The client is issued an access token directly. No intermediate credentials (such as an authorization code) are issued. The authorization server does not authenticate the client.

Resource owner password credentials

This grant type should only be used when there is a high degree of trust between the resource owner and the client, such as if the resource owner is the sole owner or operator of the device. Given the nature of this grant type, the ability of a person to impersonate the resource owner is highly likely, making it incredibly easy for hackers to have complete access. Use this type only when other authorization grant types are not available.

Client credentials

This grant type is typically used when the client is acting on its own behalf or is requesting access based on a previously arranged authorization. Example use cases are typically for non-interactive applications such as a Command Line Interface, a daemon, or any service running in a backend server that doesn’t require any interaction with the end user. Many IoT devices also fall into this category. In all these examples, the client application would request and receive the access token without the user having any access to the protected resources.

Question 5 out of 25:

The industry standard authorization protocol that permits a user to grant an application access to a protected resource without exposing the user’s password credentials is called:

  • Access Token
  • OAuth 2.0
  • OpenID 2.0
  • OpenID Connect

Question 6 out of 25:

Evaluate the following statement. APIs give client-side developers (and potential hackers) much more finely-grained access into the backend than a typical website or application does.

  • TRUE

Question 7 out of 25:

Evaluate the following definition.

This implementation can help address the threat of redirect hijacks. In this implementation, the client generates a hashed secret and hashing method and sends them to the authorization server on code request. The secret is then used by the authorization server to verify a subsequent token request. As it requires both the client and server to participate, it helps address vulnerabilities, particularly in mobile apps.

What implementation are we talking about?

  • URL redirect
  • Access and refresh tokens
  • A proof key for code exchange (PKCE)
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Question 8 out of 25:

Evaluate the following statement. As long as your API is considered private and only used by your direct applications, you do not need to add extra security because no one will be aware of your API.

  • TRUE

Question 9 out of 25:

  • When a token is stolen, it makes the system vulnerable to:
  • Certificate pinning
  • Cross-site scripting and denial of service attacks
  • Attackers phishing for credentials using a compromised or embedded browser
  • Man-in-the-middle and man-in-the-browser attacks

Question 10 out of 25:

Which statement about OpenID Connect is correct?

  • All options are correct
  • The OpenID Connect protocol is an extension of OAuth 2.0 that is filling in the authentication gaps within OAuth 2.0, such as better enabling SSO.
  • Within the Authorization flow, if “openid” is included as the scope, an additional ID Token is generated along with the Access Token.
  • The ID Token acts like an encrypted fingerprint that travels through the flow with the access token.

Question 11 out of 25:

Match the examples of threat models that correspond with the OAuth 2.0 components:

Attackers obtaining client secrets. Attackers phishing for credentials using compromised or embedded browser. Open redirection on the client side.

Client threats

Phishing by counterfeit authorization server. Interception of traffic to resource server.

Endpoint threats

Token theft. Disclosure of client credentials during token transmission. Obtaining client secrets from either the database or through guesswork.

Token threats

Question 12 out of 25:

Match the following statements:

The OAuth 2.0 protocol...

...excels at delegated authorization.

Scope, a mechanism in OAuth 2.0...

...is designed to limit an application's access to a resource such as user's data.

The client ID...

...is a public identifier for apps and is typically encoded in a multi-character hex string.

The authorization code...

...is not enough for the client application to fetch the requested resources from the resource server and is subsequently exchanged for an access token.

Question 13 out of 25:

Match the following statements:

TLS (Transport Layer Security) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)...

...are cryptographic protocols that help you keep the internet connection and transfer of data secure.

Rate limiting, Message validation, Encryption and signing and Access control...

...are standard security functions from the API gateway world that are important when it comes to protecting the APIs and mitigating API threats.

HTTP access control...

...provides an access authentication feature and allows servers to challenge clients and reject unauthorized access.

TLS trust attacks...

...can be divided into three categories - certificate authority vulnerabilities, human vulnerabilities and man in the middle issues.

Question 14 out of 25:

Evaluate the following statement. OAuth 2.0 alone as a framework is no longer sufficient, and this is why OpenID Connect has become more relevant than ever before, as it offers a standardized and prescriptive method for delegated authentication.

  • TRUE

Question 15 out of 25:

One consideration to mitigate client threats is through Application Access Control. The principles of application access control are (select all that apply):

  • Establish credentials with a handshake or registration during client installation, instead of hosting the secrets in code.
  • Do NOT move the credentials to a server
  • Consistently implement monitoring and detection
  • Move the credentials to a server

Question 16 out of 25:

In a stateless token scenario, sort the following steps in the order they will be happening. After the client starts the OAuth 2.0 authorization process...

  1. The authorization server validates the client’s request and generates a JWT (which it encrypts and signs using a private key).
  2. The authorization server returns the JWT to the client.
  3. The client makes a request to the resource server with the JWT and the server must validate the token with its private key.
  4. The server's protected routes will check for a valid JWT in the Authorization header, and if it is present, the client will be allowed to access protected resources.

Question 17 out of 25:

Evaluate the following statement. With stateless tokens becoming more widely adopted, OAuth 2.0 is increasingly relying on security embedded within the token itself. While TLS provides an extra layer of security, token theft is still possible.

  • TRUE

Question 18 out of 25:


  • Historical vulnerabilities related to TLS/SSL protocols
  • Authorization and authentication features
  • Cryptographic protocols that help you keep the internet connection and transfer of data secure
  • The most typical components in the API security domain

Question 19 out of 25:

Match the following token types with the correct statements:

ID Token

...contains claims about authentication status of an end user, and indicates the status of the authentication.

Access Token

....indicates the status of authorization. It can be used by a client to retrieve additional user information, but is not intended to carry information about the user.

Refresh Token

...is used to get a new access token once the previous token has expired.

JSON Web Token

...is a signed and/or encrypted, stateless and self-contained token format, carrying all the necessary information within their header, payload, and signature.

Question 20 out of 25:

Which of these characteristics is an advantage of JSON Web Tokens? (Select all that apply)

  • JWT is stateless.
  • JWT is stateful.
  • As a versatile token format, JWT's usage spans across the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect workflow: It can be used as a format for ID tokens, access tokens, and refresh tokens.
  • JWT is programming language-agnostic.
  • JWT is checked against the token registry on the authorization server.

Question 21 out of 25:

Which statement about APIs is correct? (Select all that apply)

  • APIs DO NOT share any underlying technologies with traditional browser-centric web applications.
  • For APIs, we CANNOT rely on the same security methods and technologies that we use to secure the browser-centric web applications.
  • Well-designed APIs are, by nature, more transparent than websites and therefore more vulnerable.
  • APIs are fundamentally different from the traditional browser-centric web and therefore have a unique risk profile.

Question 22 out of 25:

Which statement about JSON Web Tokens is correct? (Select all that apply)

  • Higher verbosity is a characteristic that encourages usage of JWT tokens.
  • JWT is a token format, an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
  • Every JSON Web Token comprises three elements - header, payload and signature.
  • JWT is NOT part of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption framework.

Question 23 out of 25:

Evaluate the following definition.

It is an extension of OAuth 2.0 and works not only to eliminate OAuth 2.0 vulnerabilities, but also to fill authentication gaps within OAuth 2.0, such as better enabling SSO. Within the authorization flow, an additional ID token acts as an encrypted fingerprint that travels through the flow with the access token. At the API endpoint, it can be decoded to reveal user information for identity verification.

What is being described?

  • OpenID Connect protocol
  • TLS / SSL protocol
  • HTTP Access Control
  • Implicit grant type

Question 24 out of 25:

One of the threats to the authorization server involves redirection hijack. Which statement about redirection hijack is true?

  • A good consideration to address redirect hijack is to implement a proof key for code exchange (PKCE).
  • The redirection hijack happens once authorization has been granted with either an authorization code or implicit grant type. Instead of redirecting back to the client, the authorization server is fooled into redirecting to somewhere other than the client.
  • All options are correct
  • One way to mitigate the risk of redirection hijack is to whitelist the redirect URIs on the authorization server.

Question 25 out of 25:

In an OAuth 2.0 Authorization flow, where Joe is the resource owner who wants to use a third-party application to access his banking information, sort the following steps in the flow in the order they will be happening:

  • Joe logs into a third-party application and wishes to access his banking information from the application.
  • The third-party application sends an authorization request to the bank’s authorization server. It redirects Joe's browser to the login screen of the authorization server.
  • The authorization server asks Joe to authorize the third-party application's access to his banking information.
  • Joe grants or denies the third-party application's access to the banking information.


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